Thursday 25 April 2013

Question 3 ~ What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

To distribute my music magazine i need a large company, as they have the resources and financial support to advertise my magazine to my magazine’s demographic.  That is the reason that I have chosen a leading distributer/publisher Bauer media. Bauer media is a worldwide media empire that offers over 80 influencial magazine brands, offering to a wide range of interests.
I think that this would be a suitable choice to use for my magazine because there isn’t currently a magazine that offers a similar product to my magazine, so it would be new and fresh for them, so expanding their audience to an even wider range of people. Although Bauer does carry magazines like Yours and Closer these are more based around lifestyle, opposed to a music based magazine that mine is. There is a gap in the market for the audience that my product reaches out too, this would be competitive and strive with the help that Bauer could provide.
As my magazine targets a young age group there are many ways that it could be advertised. The radio, internet, television, posters are all ways that my product could be put across to the public and because it is aimed at youth these are ways that they are likely to hear about it one way or another.
My magazine could be sold by places like WH Smith, Supermarkets, and newsagents. Also there could be a downloadable version that would be available from ITunes, or even sold as an app that would be accessible to everyone with access to ITunes, or an apple product as well as to those who don’t, through the selling of a physical copy.

My product is aimed at festival going teenagers, more specifically girls, as it is more female based. I believe that there is a place for my magazine and would fill the gap that is lacking for this group of the youth.

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